Level 24 - Magic show

About this level

Level 24, the penultimate level. Magic tricks form the basis of this episode of nearly 19 minutes in length. There is plenty of language recapping, including numbers and animals, while several types of fruit are introduced.

Learning outcomes in this level

Learning outcomesActivities
I can name and spell various fruits
I can demonstrate which is which
I can name animals of different colours

Activities in this level

ActivityTime required
1. Watch the episode (Magic show) 15 - 20 minutes
2. Fruit in a box 15 - 20 minutes
3. Which cup? 10 - 15 minutes
4. Out of a hat 10 - 15 minutes
5. Level 24 revision 25 - 30 minutes
6. Review Magic show 15 - 20 minutes

Key language in this level

¿Éste?¿essteh?This one?
¿Cómo se escribe ____?¿kommo seh esscreebeh?How do you spell ____?
¿Cuál es tu color favorito?¿kwal ess too collor favohreetoh?What is your favorite colour?
¿Cuántos caramelos hay?¿kwantoss karameloss ay?How many sweets are there?
¿De qué color es el tomate?¿deh keh coloh ess el tomahteh?What colour is the tomato?
¿Te gusta tocar la flauta?¿teh goostah tokkar lah flautah?Do you like playing the recorder?
¿Tienes una botella de agua?¿tee-eness oonah botteyah deh agwah?Do you have a bottle of water?
ÉsteesstehThis one
Hay dos coches pequeñosay doss kochess pekenyossThere are two small cars
Me gusta jugar al tenismeh goostah huugahr al tehneessI like playing tennis
No me gustan los leonesnoh meh goostahn loss lehyohnessI don't like lions
Tengo una camiseta blancatehngoh oonah kameesetah blahnkahI have a white t shirt
Un caballo negrooon kahbahyoh nehgrohA black horse
Un limónoon leemohnA lemon
Un plátanooon plahtanohA banana
Una manzanaoonah manthahnahAn apple
Una naranjaoonah nahrahnhahAn orange
Una peraoonah pehrahA pear