Level 7 - Day out

About this level

This level looks mainly at colours, modes of transport, and comparing sizes. The accompanying episode is 12 minutes' long and it stars Joe and Maggie taking a ferry and using a map to find their way to the beach.

Learning outcomes in this level

Learning outcomesActivities
I can name modes of transport
I can ask how many of something there is
I can say how many of something there is
I can ask what colour something is
I can ask what number is being shown
I can size objects
I can describe something in terms of its size
I can use simple directions
I can say it's me
I can compare who's who

Activities in this level

ActivityTime required
1. Watch the episode (Day out) 10 - 15 minutes
2. Transport flashcards 20 - 25 minutes
3. Count the cars 15 - 20 minutes
4. Transport colours 10 - 15 minutes
5. Double decker 20 - 25 minutes
6. Big or small? 15 - 20 minutes
7. The small boat 15 - 20 minutes
8. Find the car 15 - 20 minutes
9. Class photo 10 - 15 minutes
10. Level 7 revision 10 - 15 minutes
11. Review Day out 15 - 20 minutes

Key language in this level

A la derechaah lah derechahTo the right
A la izquierdaah lah eethkyerdahTo the left
¿Cuántos coches hay?¿kwantoss kochess ay?How many cars are there?
¿De qué color es?¿deh keh coloh ess?What colour is it?
¿Qué número es?¿keh noomeroh ess?What number is it?
Es un barco pequeñoess oon bahrkoh pekenyohIt is a small boat
Número dieznoomehroh deeyethNumber ten
Soy yosoy yohIt's me
Todo rectotohdoh rektohStraight on
Un autobúsoon auwtohboossA bus
Un aviónoon abeeyonA plane
Un barcooon bahrkohA boat
Un camiónoon kameeyonA truck
Un cocheoon kochehA car
Un helicópterooon eleekoptehrohA helicopter
Hay siete cochesay seeyehteh kohchessThere are seven cars